
... free open-source software since 2002

Among other things, KleinWare develops helper tools, scripts and other stuff for free use. All of these tool are available as source code, most contain copyright and license conditions in the file's header. If not stated otherwise inside the file's header, the following terms and conditions apply: Last but not least, the usual I-didn't-do-it-disclaimer:
There ist no warranty, neither implicit nor explicit toward functionality or usability. The author is not liable for any damage or loss of data, life or health that results from use of this software (Now where did I put those blink tags ...)
Name Revision Description Requirements
AppleScript, iCal and iTunes are registered Trademarks of Apple Computer Inc..
IGOR Pro is a data analysis tool from WaveMetrics.
SubEthaEdit is a registered Trademark of TheCodingMonkeys
FolderCopy 1.0.0 Stores and restores folder hierarchies to plist files.
Since I have family now, things will be slightly different this time: programming this script took about five hours (plus testing etc.). The script will still be free to use but the sources will only be made available, if donations sum up to 150,- EUR. That's about 30,- EUR per hour (excluding taxes!), which I think is not unreasonable. We'll see.
Current balance: 0,- EUR
MacOS X 10.4 or higher
GetArtwork 1.4.1 Searches the database of allmusic.com or cover art for the selected iTunes track and places it inside the appropriate ID3-Tag. MacOS X 10.3.x or higher
iTunes 4.0.1 or higher
Uses Safari and QuickTime Player
Mail2iCal 1.6.1 Generates an iCal event or todo item out of the selected email in Apple's Mail.app. This version fixes some problems with MacOS 10.6 and includes two services for direct message conversion. MacOS X 10.6 or higher
  1.5.3 Generates an iCal event or todo item out of the selected email in Apple's Mail.app. This version fixes some problems with MacOS 10.5 and is otherwise feature identical with v. 1.5.0 MacOS X 10.5 or higher
  1.5.0 Generates an iCal event or todo item out of the selected email in Apple's Mail.app MacOS X 10.4.7 or higher
Mail2iCalToDo 1.5.0 As of version 1.5.0, Mail2iCalToDo is included in Mail2iCal. There will be no more releases of Mail2iCalToDo as an individual script. MacOS X 10.4.7 or higher
WebTunes 1.0 Transforms BBEdit-Templates into HTML-Pages containing track info for the selected Playlist in iTunes MacOS X 10.2.4 or higher
BBEdit 7.0 or higher
iTunes 3.0.1 or higher
IGOR Procedures
Completion.ipf 1.0 Looks for possible completions (Strings,Variables,Waves) at the IGOR commandline IGOR Pro 4.x or newer
SubEthaEdit Modes
IGOR.mode 1.0 Rather basic IGOR syntaxcoloring mode SubEthaEdit 2.x or newer